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physics & beyond at ISTA

Extracurricular Activities on Campus

The community at ISTA offers a variety of activities, from dancing to baking to gardening. So whatever interests you, you are welcome to join!
This list is definitely not complete so if you would like to add something please get in touch with Sandra.

For most of these activities join the respective mailing list:
Go to –> Self-Service –> Mailing Lists –> select the mailing list you are interested in

LGBTQIA+ Gatherings

Shake off the workday blues and dive into an evening of good old-fashioned fun. It’s the perfect recipe to mix a little joy into our busy lives and get to know each other. This gathering is our way of creating a space where everyone can feel seen, heard, and celebrated!

For all who are not subscribed to the emailing list yet (, sign up at:

Language Café

When & Where: : Every Tuesday, at 17:00 in the Error Pub.

Feel free to stop by to learn new languages, practice ones you already know and just socialize with people from different cultures. 😊
The focus will be mostly on German due to the participant interest but if there are people who wanted to practice other languages you are free to do so as well.

Join the Error Pub mailing list for updates and news


Are you already thinking about how to shed those winter pounds in the New Year? Hit the Beat Starting January 15, 2024

A new sports program may be just the thing for you! Starting from January 15, 2024 a new fitness series will kick off on campus – Hit the Beat with Melanie!

Mondays, 17:00 in the Ballroom.
Lessons are €12 each with the first hour free – just bring a mat or a towel.

Sustainability Group

Join the mailing list to know what is happening, to be informed about talks and other events:

For more information click here

Baking Lab

Next date: Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 2 pm

You can either bake your own cake and bring it with you, or just drop by for a piece and donate – or both 🙂

When & Where: usually once a month on a Thursday at 2pm | Error Bar or terrace

Join the mailing list to know when the next cake sale and fundraising is taking place, or get involved with your own cake:

You can join the WhatsApp group by clicking on the link below:
WhatsApp group

Baking Lab cake list:
Link for the Google Doc

Community Garden

Join the mailing list to be involved in planting, growing and reaping:

For more information click here

Yoga with Sabrina

When & Where: every week either on Tuesday or Thursday at 5:15 pm | seminar room, first floor in Sunstone Building

To know the exact dates and to sign up IN ADVANCE, please join the ISTA YOGA Telegram Group under this link:

Just drop by and join! 15 Eur for 1 1/2 hours – special prices for packages

Sabrina is a Hatha Yoga Teacher and Mindfulness Mentor. She will help you find balance, relaxation, depth, connection to your body and a peaceful mind. Her yoga classes are accessible to all levels and her energy is very warm and welcoming.

For any questions, get directly in touch with Sabrina under +436503070848.

ISTA yoga mailing list for general information:

Meditation Group I

Meditate with Michael
When & Where: every Wednesday from 17:00 – 18:00 in the Ballroom

No fees – donations welcome. For attending come as you are, no stuff needed. If you want, you can bring your own seat cushion

Contact: Michael, phone +43 676 550 1744

Meditation Group II

When: weekly sessions – please join the mailing list in ICP to get more info and stay up-to-date on the schedule

No fees
traditional Chinese meditation practice called “Falun Dafa”

Contact: Igor Kazlov, phone +43 664 8832 6186

Photography Club

Do you like photography and look for other people on campus with a similar passion?

We are a community of photography enthusiasts with different backgrounds and interests but we are all from IST Austria. We like to learn about photography and share our images. We also have photography competitions. Some photos from the photography club community can be found in the ERROR bar.

Feel free to join our mailing list ( if you want to update us on our upcoming events and meetings.

At each of our meetings, we randomly chose a photography theme. Members submit photographs on this theme at the next meeting, and we discuss the photos as a group.

Find out more on the Photo Club Website

Capoeira sessions

Capoeira is a martial art from Brazil that mixes elements from African Dances, Martial Arts, and Music with elements from modern Martial Arts.  The training is a great full-body workout and incorporates music, acrobatics, and self-defense.

When & Where: We meet every Tuesday at 17:00 in the Moonstone Building

Beginners are welcome, no previous experience in anything is required. The training is barefoot, just bring general sports gear.

Dancing | Modern Jazz sessions

When & Where: modern jazz dance sessions at ISTA, on a weekly basis.
If interested, please join this Whatsapp group:

Regular sessions will start in early February 2023, either on Wednesdays or on Mondays.

Dancing | Argentine Tango

When & Where: Thursdays, 17:45 – 20:00 in Sunstone Building – Big Seminar Room
(Ground floor)


If you are fascinated by Argentine Tango, you are more than welcome to join ISTA Argentine Tango group!
We meet on a weekly basis to share a relaxing moment while enjoying and dancing Argentine Tango. No prior knowledge of the dance, no partner required.

Whatsapp group:

Dancing | Salsa

When & Where: every Wednesday at 05:45 pm in Moonstone Building | Seminar Room E, ground floor

From basic to experienced

if you wish to stay updated about the events and classes we organize, feel free to join the WhatsApp group:

And the salsa mailing list:

Magic Games

Venue: pub on campus “Error Bar”
When: every Monday at 6 pm

Both new and veteran players are welcome! If you want to try the game, it is possible to borrow a deck from one of the group members 

we have a Whatsapp group that you can join using the following link:
or join the board gamers’ mailing list:

Board Games

Venue: pub on campus “Error Bar”
When: next session on Friday, February 16, 2023 at 6 pm

If you are new to ISTA and want to find a place to meet new folks to play board games with or to socialize, board game evenings are the perfect place for you! It is beginner friendly and we always explain the rules to first-time players 🙂 

The games vary from chill party games to complex board games depending on the preference of people attending. We have a nice set of games at the pub (and some new ones are on the way ) to choose from but if you have something interesting that you want to play, feel free to bring it with you for the evening. 

Join the board gamers’ mailing list:


at the moment no massages are offered 🙁

Shiatsu Massage

Shiatsu practitioner Christian Berger offers Shiatsu at the campus as part of preventive health care at the workplace. You can find more information on his website at (only in German).

There are four remaining dates to choose from. The cost is 35 EUR for a session of 25 minutes. Please register directly via the links as published in the Campus Updates.

Think & Drink

On Fridays, at 4 pm

The talks will be followed by drinks & snacks in the Error Bar, where we can come together and share ideas.
Announcements are sent out via eMail to all scientists and staff by the organizers.

Further Activities & Sports Facilities on Campus

For more information click here.