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Cold and Controlled Molecules & Ions 2024 (CCMI 2024)

Cold and Controlled Molecules & Ions 2024 (CCMI 2024)

September 2, 2024 September 6, 2024

Host: Mikhail Lemeshko

CCMI 2024 will bring together prominent scientists who share an interest in cold and controlled molecules and ions in the context of physics and chemistry, both experimentalists and theorists.

The list of topics includes, among others:

  • Cold controlled collisions
  • Cold and ultracold chemistry
  • Quantum simulation with ultracold molecules
  • High-precision spectroscopy with ultracold molecules
  • Molecular control and alignment
  • Frequency combs for spectroscopy and dynamics of cold molecules
  • Spectroscopy and dynamics of molecules in helium droplets and para-H2
  • Spectroscopy of cold ions in cryogenic traps
  • Ultracold polyatomic molecules

CCMI 2024 is the 5th instalment of this biannual conference series that started in 2014. CCMI conferences have become a brand attracting the leading researchers in the field. Previous CCMI conferences took place in Switzerland, Israel, the UK and the US. This edition is organized by Mikhail Lemeshko (Institute of Science and Technology Austria, Klosterneuburg) and Katrin Erath-Dulitz (Universität Innsbruck).

In addition to 16 invited talks from renowned and emerging researchers, hot topic talks and poster sessions will take place, providing Ph.D. students and postdocs with a great opportunity to present and discuss their work. Finally, in order to promote informal interactions, several social activities are planned.

For your information, here are links to some earlier CCMI conferences: (2022, Durham, UK) (2018, Athens/Georgia, USA) (2016, Rehovot, Israel)

CCMI 2024 will be an environmentally friendly conference, following measures in the design, planning, organization and celebration to minimize the social and environmental impact of the event.

We are looking forward to your participation!

Registration and abstract submission deadline is August 15, 2024.
Please submit your abstract for the poster sessions and the contributed talks.


Moonstone Seminar Center
Am Campus 1
Klosterneuburg, 3400

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